Kathleen L. Gregory, Office Manager
Email: klgregory@phillipsco.com
Kathleen L. Gregory is the Administrator and Office Manager for Phillips & Company CPA firm and the Corporate Secretary for Downstream Exchange Company. She supports all of the entities working under the direction of Tony Phillips in most aspects of the various businesses. Kathleen interfaces between the clients, employees and is responsible for keeping the business running effectively and efficiently.
Kathleen joined Phillips & Company and Downstream Exchange in July of 1997. Working closely with Tony, she has been instrumental in developing strong business plans for both Phillips & Company and Downstream Exchange Co. She oversees the areas of human resources, client services, information and technology and the overall financial well-being of all the corporate entities.
Prior to joining Phillips & Company, Kathleen’s liberal arts background and education served as the foundation for work in the fields of human resources, the hotel and restaurant industry, and as a designer.